Board Thread:News and Announcements/@comment-Rider ranger47-20141203220921

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As I am sure many of you have noticed,  this wiki now has a huge, ugly, white navigation bar on the top of all wikis.  This is a result of the new Global Navigation Update by Wikia staff. If you would like to have the color of the navigation bar automatically match the wiki you are viewing I would recommend adding this script  developed by Sactage to your Global.js file as soon as possible so that wikis and their navigation bar match.   If you would like our community to know your opinion on this matter feel free to leave a comment below, but remember to be civil and respect others opinions. 

Your local Bureaucrat,

Rider ranger47 BureaucratSee list of Bureaucrats 22:09, December 3, 2014 (UTC)<ac_metadata title="Global Navigation Update" notify_everyone="1417644561"> </ac_metadata>