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Clarifying some edits

Just wanted to clarify my recent edits:

  • "Between 12 and 17" is misleading, considering they probably had been doing more minor, less traumatising experiments before the Maze.
  • I changed "children" to "subjects", because in the book at least, there are adult Immunes - it's not explained why the subjects are all in their teens, but (SPOILER) Hans, Jorge etc. are adult Immunes, and there are a ton more whom Thomas and Co. "rescue" in their last escape from WICKED.
  • "WICKED is Good" is not the same as "Everything WICKED does is right", but rather that the organisation has positive utility.
  • "Doublethink" means to embrace two positions at the same time - "WICKED is evil but it's good" is doublethink, but "WICKED is good" is not.
  • I don't think "WICKED is good" is oxymoron, because WICKED is an acronym, not a description of the organisation.
  • In The Death Cure, Thomas learns that "WICKED is good" is not a propaganda tool ("good" is a really ... good adjective if you're trying to spread propaganda), but another Variable - a organisation by the name "WICKED" which they're taught is good!
  • Referring to the book only, the PFC is the previous world government, and is not the same as WICKED. Ava Paige says that it was a job by their "predecessors in government" - not the same government itself. WICKED, as its full form suggests, is about performing Killzone experiments and obtaining a cure for the Flare, not about population control - that was a job of the PCC wing of the PFC. 15:14, September 21, 2015 (UTC) Thanks for the explanation, I'm just used to anon vandals ;) Ώ Rider ranger47 ][Talk Contributions ] 16:28, September 21, 2015 (UTC)