Safe Haven

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The Safe Haven is a place where the Gladers are told they must head to at the beginning of The Scorch Trials. They are told by a rat-faced man that they must travel 100 miles across the Scorch to reach this place where they will receive the cure for the Flare, which they have all been infected with by WICKED. However, when they reach the Safe Haven with Group B, they discover that it is nothing but a stick with a flag saying "Safe Haven".

They are shortly surrounded by a number of coffin like things which housed the Grievers in the Maze. Bulb Monsters climb out of these coffins, and the Gladers and Group B begin to fight them, as there is roughly one Bulb Monster for each of them. As they are fighting, the real Safe Haven, a Berg, flies down and waits. When everyone is ready to get on the Berg, however, a group of Bulb Monsters come around from the back. The teens fight through them, but just as they finish, the Berg begins to leave, rising slowly. They only just manage to board it.