
From The Maze Runner wiki
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"The Runners. Every morning, when those doors open, the run the maze...mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out. Listen, the truth is...the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and fastest of us all. And it's a good thing, too."

Runners are the only ones to go out into the Maze. They are defined as the strongest and fastest Gladers. Runners map the maze, and the maps they make are saved in the Map Room. They leave when the doors open, and return right before they close.


Being a Runner is often described as being very risky, as Grievers are a frequent sight. They must be very precise to make it back on time. You must also be very physically fit in order to be runner, since being one requires running for the whole day.

After they make it back before the doors close, they return to a concrete building known as the Map Room, where they draw and record their maps, then attempt to solve the puzzle of the Maze. They create the maps based on what they saw that day.


Pages in category "Runner"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.